A Love That Lasts: 55 1/2 Years Married
Welcome to the life of Cliff and Connie, married for 55 and half years (and counting) their story sheds light on the most important thing in this world, love.
In an age of instant gratification, constant scrolling, and a revolving door of fleeting trends, finding something that lasts the test of time often feels like a fantasy. Young couples and romantics dream of having a love that lasts forever, but what does that look like? What’s the key? This question was on the forefront of our minds as we spent the day with Cliff and Connie Kirkham.
Over the past 55 ½ years, Cliff and Connie have built a beautiful life together. Their home and ranch is straight out of a cowboy fairytale, they have 4 wonderful kids and 9 grandchildren who love and follow the Lord, and they’re even more in love with each other today than they were when they got married. However, their road hasn’t been easy. Together they have endured many trials and shed blood, sweat, and tears to get to where they are today.
To be honest, there’s no precise formula to a marriage like theirs. It can't be simplified into a checklist of do’s and don’ts. In fact, it’s difficult to put into words. Before we even spoke to Cliff and Connie about their story, we could see the acts of love that filled their everyday life. From the special room that Cliff built special for Connie to hold all of her dishes (which he was very eager to show us) to the way Connie sweetly calls her husband “angel” when she addresses him, every small moment demonstrated how much the two truly adore each other.
“This is something that I remind myself constantly,” Cliff stated as we sat in the living room. “Not that I have to do it. I just do it for my own accord.” He paused, his eyes glassy as he looked over at his wife. “I tell myself, there’s not another person I would rather spend my life with than her.”
Connie giggled. “I have to agree totally.”
Cliff and Connie have been in each other’s lives as long as they can remember. Both families participated in the rodeo when they were younger, and Cliff was close with Connie’s brother. The two boys rodeoed together, and Connie often tagged along, typically helping put calves into the shoot. The couple says that they never anticipated a relationship forming.
“When he went into the military, he went to Fort Polk, Louisiana, and he was just my brother’s friend then, so I wrote him letters,” Connie recalls. “I really had no inkling then, you know, that we would, later on, be together.”
Their relationship grew slowly and genuinely over time, resulting in a December engagement when Cliff was 22 and Connie was 17. On May 6th, 1967, they were married. The first few years of marriage contain many colorful stories of burned dinners, hard work outside, and wet paint on a toilet seat. Their four kids added to the liveliness, and Cliff and Connie raised them with remarkable integrity, work ethic, and most importantly, love for the Lord.
Their philosophy on marriage is the same as their philosophy on life, which is to keep Jesus Christ at the center.
“Truly, when you get up every morning and spend time with the Lord and spend time in prayer,” Connie told us, “Scripture says the Holy Spirit will lead you and guide you in all truth, so when we have issues that come up whether it’s financially, health wise, whatever it is, we seek Him, and He gives us the answers, so it truly is in everything that we do.”
“Let me tell you, life’s short. Life is very valuable.” Cliff added. “You don’t realize it, but there are times when things happen that you just, you know, you just rock along. There are other times when things happen that you have no control over that give you a gut punch. It just kicks the air out of you,” he said. “When it gets past a certain point, let me tell you, there is nothing else left except God and the Holy Spirit for comfort, for deliverance, whatever it is.”
You can’t talk to Cliff and Connie long without them mentioning God. His Spirit permeates their home, family, and marriage. Everything they do is for Him. Every obstacle and hardship has been endured with His guidance. Their lasting love is rooted in an everlasting Savior.
During our living room discussion with Cliff and Connie, they each gave us a word of advice that they live by.
“Life is where you live it and how you live it,” Cliff told us.
Connie added. “Remember Whose you are. Remember who you are.”
The world can so easily overtake us and cause us to lose sight of our identity and what is truly important. These two pieces of advice, although simple, can be life-changing if you actually take them to heart. Cliff and Connie have spent their life prioritizing their intimate connection with their family, each other, and God. That’s the key.
We can’t wait to share more of Cliff and Connie’s story! This is just the beginning!
1 Corinthians 13: 1
If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.
A wonderful vision of a loving marriage and fellowship with our Heavenly Father! God presents us with this example in living color!
Example for everyone of true love!